14 May 2011

Because One Blog is Never Enough!

Too many 'I'm sorry this doesn't have anything to do with make up or beauty...but look at these pretty pictures' posts were going up over at my make up and beauty blog and so it was time to expand my little publishing empire (muah ha ha!) to cover a few other topics - afternoon tea reviews, travel, cooking, baking, running, books, market knick-knack hauls, general rants and all that jazz.

So welcome to Portobello Pearls! Named thus because I live next to Portobello Market and I adore pearls, especially black ones.  And I like alliteration.

I'm not good at keeping a 'hardcopy' diary - I received 3 for Christmas and they're all collecting dust - but really look forward to saving snippets of my life on here.  How weird will it be if my grandkids can check this out on their iPad  v.384s in 50 years?!

Today also happens to be the day my other blog - Click & Make-Up! turns one.  The number 14 has been kind to me and I like to keep things neat.  

Thanks for stopping by, if you like what you see go ahead and follow and hopefully see you back here soon!



  1. First comment on first post!!

  2. Thank you lovely! I'm so excited to get more content up on here, my head is spinning with ideas!
